Warriors Run and Festival coming soon

Warriors Run Strandhill Festival
25th August at 3pm

The Warriors Run takes competitors from the Cannon Gun at the beachfront in Strandhill to the top of Knocknarea, around Queen Maeve’s Cairn and back to the beachfront again.

For the uninitiated, a 15 kilometre race might seem easy. Not the Warriors Run! The race is classified as a road and hill race or multi-terrained, so whilst approximately nine of its kilometres are on paved roads, it is the special six kilometres in the middle, to the top of Knocknarea that gives the race its bite. These six kilometres include a 700 foot climb through fields, loose gravel, unsurfaced and heather paths.

Warriors Run StrandhillAt its steepest incline on the way up, even the most professional athlete slows to a walk and then braces themselves to face the equally daunting downhill run, back down the often slippery slopes, even in the driest of weather.

Despite the endurance trait of the race, each year around 800 runners take part in this unique event to cross the finish line at the beachfront and earn the honour of being able to say that they completed The Warriors Run.

Volunteers needed

Registration for the event sold out in record time this year, but organisers are still looking for volunteers for the 25th August. Cool Crew T-Shirts for all volunteers, a packed lunch if you’re out on the route, or post-race teas and sambos if you’re at the beachfront.

If you have 3 hours or more to spare in the morning/afternoon/evening and would like to help out, please contact organisers through the official website.